德文「黑色星期五」成商標? 德國商標局駁回此申請

德文「黑色星期五」成商標? 德國商標局駁回此申請

「黑色星期五」通常被標誌著聖誕購物期的正式開始,也是一年中各個商家最看重也是最繁忙的日子之一,當各個商家開始以「黑色星期五」的標誌宣傳大特賣,長久下來,以致無法分辨「黑色星期五」是源於何處商家。因此,申請者在一開始設定商標名稱時,必須先特別注意此名稱在市場上是否是特別常用,亦或是此名稱在產品上具有描述的作用。 假若您的商標符合前述其中一項,建議再重新設計新的商標名稱,以免遭官方審查官以不具識別性之原因駁回。


The reason why the distinctiveness of ‘Black Friday’ has been weaken is that this words usually are marked as the formal beginning of Christmas Shopping Period, which is also the most important and bustling day for each business. Every trader or retailer will use ‘Black Friday’ to promote this big sale day’s coming. For a long time using this words, it would cause that general consumers hardly tell ‘Black Friday’ comes from which source it is. Therefore, at the beginning of setting the trademarks’ name, applicants have to note if the name has been used in majority in the Business Market, or if the name has a descriptive function to this product. As though your trademarks fit the two elements we just mentioned, we recommend that you should rename your trademark in order to avoid the Official examiners’ objection due to Weak Distinctiveness.



