美國披薩店撞名知名餐廳 尚未營業已被控侵權

美國披薩店撞名知名餐廳 尚未營業已被控侵權

在文中最後一段,Frenchy’s Pizzeria & Tavern的業者說到「你不能用某人的名字註冊商標」是不正確的。商標的最主要的功能在於辨別商品或服務的來源,並沒有明文規定「人名」不能註冊商標。 另外,在街道上,我們常看到不少以「姓氏」作為商店招牌使用於餐飲業、診所或法律事務所,這些通常只是用以表示業者的姓氏,而非作為來源的標誌,因此,姓氏作為商標不具識別性,若申請人仍想將自己的姓氏註冊商標,須證明取得後天識別性。


In the last paragraph, the owner of Frenchy’s Pizzeria & Taver said, "You can't trademark somebody's name," this word is not correct. The chief function of trademarks is to discern the source of goods and service, and there is also no laws to restrict somebody to trademark their names. Additionally, in the street, we usually see quite a few “surname” being used on some signboards of catering industry, clinics, or law firms. These surnames usually are only used for indicating owners’ surname, not for discerning the source. Thus, surnames have no any distinctiveness as trademarks. If applicants still want to do that, they shall need to get the acquired distinctiveness and prove for it.

